Florida’s Children First, the pioneering advocacy organization that fights for foster children and others who have been physically abused, neglected, injured, and victims of sexual abuse, was named the the 2015 recipient of The Florida Bar Foundation’s Paul C. Doyle Children’s Advocacy Award. Founded by leading foster child advocacy attorney and foster child... View Article
Results & verdicts
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Last year was a big year for Florida foster children and those kids who suffer physical harm, sexual abuse, neglect or injury in the child welfare system. Child advocates and foster child attorneys who fight for those vulnerable children watched as the Florida Legislature passed child welfare reforms, funding measures... View Article
The drowning death of Phoebe Jonchuck, who allegedly was thrown into Tampa Bay by her mentally ill father, caused Florida’s child advocates and attorneys who fight for abused children, as well as the Florida Department of Children and Families itself, to explore what went wrong. Now, legislators want answers, too.... View Article