Florida foster child abuse, sexual abuse, and personal injury damages attorney Howard Talenfeld wrote the following commentary for the Daily Business Review. It was originally published on November 18, 2015. For more than 15 years since the privatization of child welfare in Florida, the Florida Department of Children and Families has... View Article
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Florida Foster Child Abuse Lawyer: YLC Continues Efforts to Limit Group Care
Attorneys who advocate for the rights of foster children who are victims of physical abuse, sexual abuse, or other personal injuries have allies in various organizations that work to product this same group. The Youth Law Center is advancing its advocacy to ensure that children and youth who must be removed... View Article
Florida Foster Child Abuse Attorney: Bill Would Limit Bad Group Homes, Improve Placement Options
The following commentary was written by Fort Lauderdale foster child abuse attorney Howard Talenfeld and published in the Daily Business Review on November 18, 2015. For more than 15 years since the privatization of child welfare in Florida, the Florida Department of Children and Families has contracted with lead agencies like ChildNet... View Article
Florida Child Advocate Attorney: Adopted at 26, Foster Child Finally Finds his Forever Family
The life of Florida foster child Tyrone Burns Smith could have gone any number of ways. Shuttled between more than a dozen foster and group homes, he always hoped to find his forever family. Though he wasn’t the victim of foster child abuse, being moved about left Burns Smith worried... View Article